** Referrals **
* The following students have given their permission to be contacted for questions about the school. We would truly appreciate your discretion regarding the times that you call. THANK YOU!!
Steve Barrett - (717) 263-8137 Chambersburg, PA - USA
Richard Perrine - (814) 254-4694 or (814) 242-9859 - Johnstown, PA - USA
Joe Fisher - (304) 592-3880 - email: KJFish29@yahoo.com - Mannington,WV - USA
John Jernigan - (717) 644-4966 - email: JR010107@yahoo.com - Palmyra, PA - USA
Randy Trombly - (518) 236-6895 - Mooers, NY - USA
Thorarinn Helgason - doddi@aknet.is - Iceland
Luis Andreani - Luis_andreani@hotmail.com - Venezuela
Dan Miller - H (304) 856-2651 or Cell (540) 877-7607 - West Virginia - USA
email: Millers_Taxidermy@frontier.com
Julie Roberts - (518) 236-2929 - NY - USA